East Perth, WA 6004 info@synergic.com.au

Business Plan Development – Port Facility

Business Plan Development – Port Facility


To achieve the goals set out in the Business Plan, the client needed to confirm that the team possessed a clear understanding of the site Business Plan objectives, measures and targets. To accomplish this, the client required EnterpriseIS to facilitate an assessment of the current business performance to date including the business risks if the business plan was not met. Upon the completion of the workshop, the client requested that an action plan be developed to ensure delivery of the remainder of the business plan for the year.


EnterpriseIS facilitated a workshop with the leadership team to:

  1. Review the overall business strategy for the next 3 - 5 years
    (macro view)
  2. Review the overall business requirements for the coming 12
  3. Understand the implications to the ‘local’ business unit,
    based on the overall business strategy and requirements
  4. Assess the current ‘Strengths’ and Weakness’ for the
    business, based on performance
  5. Develop the Objectives, Measures and Targets for the
    coming 12 months that will help deliver on the overall
    business requirements and strategy
  6. Decide on the responsibility for delivering on the targets and
    the time required to deliver.


  1. A 12 month Business Plan developed covering the 5 key
    driver areas for the business: (People, Zero Harm, Quality &
    Customer, Business Process and Growth)
  2. Each Business Plan objective was supported with clear
    measures and target and person responsible for achieving
    the target
  3. Unified agreement on the challenges ahead to achieve the
    plan and the focus that will be required, as well as the total
    commitment by all to deliver the Business Plan.