East Perth, WA 6004 info@synergic.com.au

Digital Capability Augmentation

Do you require proficient digital specialists to augment your current workforce temporarily, without making a permanent commitment?

Our service for enhancing digital capabilities eliminates the necessity of permanent hiring and offers a customized combination of expertise, information, and experience specifically tailored to meet our clients' needs.

Why Synergic for Capability Augmentation Services?

The increasing scarcity of skilled workers, the upward trend in resource expenses, and the occurrence of employees being recruited by other companies have presented organizations with difficult obstacles to overcome. As a result, talent acquisition methods have undergone a transformation to adapt to these challenges.


In response to these difficulties, astute business managers are adjusting their approaches and are experiencing the advantages that capability augmentation can bring.


Temporary resourcing arrangements are gaining popularity in various industries as organizations capitalize on the flexibility, control, and cost savings they offer. This trend reflects a growing preference for capability augmentation.

5 reasons why our clients choose us. Does any of these resonate with you?

Reason  #1

Do you require extra skilled personnel without making permanent commitments? Capability Augmentation offers an efficient and cost-effective solution to meet various fluctuating needs, including:

  1. Providing coverage for employee leave, extended leave, or employee turnover
  2. Meeting sudden spikes in demand
  3. Accomplishing tasks that require specialized skills

Reason  #2

Are you in need of filling a skills-gap in your team? Capability Augmentation provides a clever solution by offering the following benefits:

  1. Access to the expertise you require
  2. Utilization of a diverse pool of trained professionals
  3. Temporary acquisition of specific skill-sets as needed

Reason  #3

To meet deadlines, organizations can consider scaling projects or increasing the pace of progress. This can be achieved by utilizing the following strategies:

  1. Bringing in additional support to augment the existing workforce
  2. Utilizing resources efficiently to adapt to fluctuating demands
  3. Customizing skill sets to align with the specific requirements of the project

Reason  #4

To counter the increasing costs of resourcing, Capability Augmentation offers the following solutions to reduce talent acquisition expenses:

  1. Eliminating the need for recruitment agency fees
  2. Providing custom hybrid/offshore options
  3. Allowing the flexibility to combine various skill-sets under a single Full Time Equivalent resource

Reason  #5

Do you need to focus on effectively managing and expanding your business?

  1. Making sure that the resource has the necessary skills and matches the cultural requirements of your organization
  2. Managing the contract at a local level, with one point of contact
  3. Offering technical assistance and guidance to your resource(s)

What We Offer

  1. Recruiting and supporting skilled digital technology professionals
  2. Providing a selection of qualified candidates for consideration
  3. Managing and assisting with resource allocation and guidance
  4. Offering free replacement of resources throughout the duration of the project
  5. Providing flexible staffing options to accommodate changes in demand

We have a vast range of resources available, encompassing over 100 digital skillsets as below:
