East Perth, WA 6004 info@synergic.com.au

Productivity Improvements – Coal Unloading

Productivity Improvements – Coal Unloading


A local bulk materials handling facility with multiple internal and external stakeholders, was experiencing significant delays unloading trains.

Additional to the unloading issues, was the on time running performance of the network being 5.3%

The entrenched problems negatively impacted the facilities inbound unloading plan and timetable.

The key challenges were to reduce the baseline unloading performance by 35%, process trains with no impact to road deliveries and meet the allocated rail departure timetable slot issued by the rail network provider.


EnterpriseIS conducted a detailed analysis of the challenge and tailored a site-specific education program to address the key issues and complexity associated with multiple internal and external stakeholders.

An assigned cross functional project team made up of transport and terminal employees, analysed, implemented and delivered the project outcomes.

This team was coached and mentored by an EnterpriseIS Lean Six Sigma Black belt utilising several techniques from the Competitive Systems and Practices skill sets.

Process tools such as SIPOC, time series maps and data collection plans, were tailored to identify and remove multiple hidden process steps. Identifying and removing these steps resulted in a reduction of 45% in unloading time.


  • 108x the investment returned to the business
  • Project payback period 3.5 days
  • Mean train unloading time from 107 min to 62 min
  • Four employees trained to Certificate IV in Competitive Systems & Practices

Sustainable operations