East Perth, WA 6004 info@synergic.com.au

Reliability Block Modelling – Coal Mining

Reliability Block Modelling – Coal Mining


Our client was seeking to review the mine asset management strategies, with an aim to increasing the reliability of critical equipment on site. In an effort to be proactive in managing equipment performance and business risk, they sought to conduct some form of reliability studies on the ventilation and gas drainage systems and main winder unit.

The business understood the importance of being proactive in the management of these assets, but required a model that would illustrate the expected reliability of their systems, with clear understanding of the equipment failure modes and failure rates.


EnterpriseIS mapped the key process flows of the required systems and validated the system design, (including documentation) to understand and identify any gaps in the ‘as built’ systems.

Once the process flows and system design were validated, data was collected to support a thorough analysis of all components within each system.

An analysis was then completed across each system down to component level, to understand the different failure modes of the system, along with the failure rates of each failure mode.

With all the information compiled, reliability models were developed outlining the expected performance of each system.


  • Reliability block diagrams developed for each system, down to component level
  • A report on the performance deficit between each system design capability and actual performance
  • A table of component failure modes and failure rates for further analysis (defect elimination and root cause analysis)
  • A detailed action plan to bridge the gap between current and required performance
  • A common understanding across the site on the use of reliability block