The Challenge:
As part of a Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS) tool implementation, our client identified the need to establish quality asset strategies for all their equipment to execute effective routine maintenance tasks. The initial assessment of the data available indicated it would not be possible to develop these strategies without identifying the modes and frequency of failure for those assets. Our client engaged EnterpriseIS to manage this process and identify further ways to improve the quality of maintenance activities across the plant.
The Solution:
Through a detailed review of existing maintenance data and multiple discussions with key site personnel, EnterpriseIS facilitated a process enabling the identification of the most critical assets through to the development of key activities for input into their asset strategies for each vital asset.
The following activities were conducted:
- Review and organise the equipment hierarchy in their asset register for use in a criticality assessment
- Carry out an asset criticality assessment to identify the most critical assets (top 20)
- Utilise the Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) tool to identify key failure information
- Identify activities to manage/control the failure modes
- Highlight critical issues that require immediate attention
- Develop key activity lists for input into the asset strategies
- Conduct introductory training with the maintenance planning team on the use of the newly developed asset strategy information in the asset BOM's
The Results:
A summary of the benefits associated with the development of the asset strategy information is as follows:
- Identified and listed actions for more than 2000 failure modes on critical assets
- Identified critical safety areas requiring immediate attention
- Identified areas where critical spares were required and spares inventory was in need of further analysis
- Captured labour and time requirements for each key strategy