East Perth, WA 6004 info@synergic.com.au

BOM Development – Water Treatment

BOM Development – Water Treatment

The Challenge:

As part of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) tool implementation, our client identified the need to establish the bill of materials (BOM) for all their assets to execute effective routine maintenance tasks. The initial assessment of the data available to undertake this task indicated that it would not be possible to extract data from the legacy system, resulting in a requirement to re-create all BOMs from OEM manuals and invoice histories. Our client engaged EnterpriseIS to assist with this process and look for ways to improve the BOM development.

The Solution:

Following a review of the available data and discussions with key maintenance personnel, EnterpriseIS was able to identify a process to extract BOM data from the legacy system. This involved working alongside the clients’ team at each site and main office to conduct the following activities:

  1. Review and update the client asset register
  2. Identify the assets for the next shut-down, which were to be used to trial the initial BOM development
  3. Identify a method of data extraction for legacy system and work with the system administrator to copy this data
  4. Review copied BOM data for use as a baseline to build the new BOM's
  5. Development of asset-level BOMs for single-site shut-down
  6. Coordinate the data upload for new BOMs with the clients ERP administrators
  7. Conduct introductory training for the client maintenance planning team to use the new BOM's.

The Results:

An analysis of expected savings associated with the time take to plan work using the new BOMs showed they would result in:

  1. Eliminate 90% of current delays sourcing spare parts
  2. Estimated saving $493,479 due to efficiency gains in data management
  3. Identified and rectified 500 items in catalogue data
  4. Established business improvement processes