To support our client’s Iron Ore expansion strategy, their Non Process Infrastructure (NPI) group needed to develop an action plan, to ensure Operational Readiness (OR) was built into any future project development and execution plans for the supporting infrastructure. A key outcome of this action plan was to develop the Operational Readiness Strategy for the new business function. This Strategy would define the approach and requirements when developing and implementing Operational Readiness programs for major projects.
EnterpriseIS facilitated a workshop with the Functional Leadership team to develop the NPI Operational Readiness (OR) Vision, Mission, Framework and Strategy. To support the development of this work, EnterpriseIS utilised its 17- element OR question set. This 17-element question set, provided the client with a solid framework and checklist, to establish the status and minimum requirements for their Operational Readiness strategy. The workshop was focused at the element level, where the team was involved in scoring and score validation for each of the questions in the 17-element question set. The review allowed the NPI team to quickly determine what minimum standards would be required by the function for Operational Readiness.
- The NPI OR Vision, Mission and Framework was developed and agreed on the first day
- The NPI OR Strategy was developed and agreed at the end of the workshop
- The NPI OR Framework was rolled out across the NPI group and adopted as a part of the greater business strategy
- The OR plans commenced implementation across the business